Creat New Soil Ecology

The effect of using Jinong humic acid water-soluble fertilizer on Yunnan Pu'er tobacco

Product Effect Description

Crop Name: Flue-cured Tobacco

Address: Yongping Town, Jinggu County, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province

Product dosage: In early April, irrigate Jinong with water-soluble fertilizer containing humic acid at a rate of 1kg per acre. After about 10 days, irrigate 1kg per acre. At the beginning of July, Jinong Shuge was applied with about 30ml per spray.

Product effect:

The effect of using Jinong humic acid water-soluble fertilizer on Yunnan Puer tobacco(图1)The effect of using Jinong humic acid water-soluble fertilizer on Yunnan Puer tobacco(图2)The effect of using Jinong humic acid water-soluble fertilizer on Yunnan Puer tobacco(图3)

8.12 Follow up: The effect of the middle and lower leaves roasted is very good, and the boss is very satisfied. The boss said that it can basically reach the level of medium two and medium three.