Creat New Soil Ecology

The effect of using agricultural products on Fujian cucumbers

Product Effect Description

Crop name: Cucumber

Address: Tumei Village, Shancheng Town, Nanjing County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province

Product dosage: Four days after transplanting, use Jinong Leopard Head for rinsing, one week after transplanting, use Jinong Root Forage, and 12 days after transplanting, use Jinong Crown Irrigation.

Product effect:

The effect of using agricultural products on Fujian cucumbers(图1)

The effect of using agricultural products on Fujian cucumbers(图2)The effect of using agricultural products on Fujian cucumbers(图3)

The effect of using agricultural products on Fujian cucumbers(图4)The effect of using agricultural products on Fujian cucumbers(图5)

Overall, compared to the control group, the Jinong scheme has a robust growth, thick and flat leaves, multiple branches, and a high fruit setting rate!